Monday 3 December 2012

Twisted sista different strokes serum-Urban therapy

Instantly eliminates frizz for both straight and curly hairstyles
I saw this product in BeautyBox for £1.99 and was having problems with frizzies, so decided to give it a whirl. I applied it on freshly washed hair after my leave in but before the oil sealant and twisted my hair up into about 20 twists. When I unraveled them about 12 hours later and put my hair into a puff it was slightly smoother. It’s not a product I will sing to the heavens about as it didn’t have that much effect and was frankly a waste of money. I tried it again on dry, 3 day old, hair this time and it had absolutely no effect whatsoever. So unless I give it away it’s for the trash can.

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